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Crypto Derivatives 22 October 2024

Block Scholes -Bl

Keep up with the latest in crypto market commentary as we share the insights from our institutional research partners.

In this edition, we share the latest crypto derivatives weekly from Block Scholes.

The positive sentiment observed last week has consolidated, with bullishness reflected across key metrics for both majors. Perpetual funding rates remain positive, implied futures yields continue to show elevated levels and an inverted term structure, and the implied volatility smiles’ skew remains strongly tilted toward calls across tenors. The upcoming election is still impacting market dynamics greatly, with implied volatility for 14-day tenor options in both ETH and BTC rising, now approaching levels seen in longer-tenor options. At the same time, volatility at the far end of the term structure continues to trend sideways, only showing a slight decrease for BTC options. Notably, 7-day tenor options saw a spike in volatility last week, now having dropped sharply and sitting lower than last week.

ATM Implied Volatility, 1-Month Tenor

Fig1 OKX Currency-Combined-1M-ATM-VOL-ETH

BTC Options

Fig2 BTC SVI Vol term structure

BTC SVI ATM Implied Volatility

Fig3 OKX BTC SVI ATM volatility

Volatility continues to rise at the front end of the term structure, with 14-day tenor options showing elevated levels.

BTC 25-Delta Risk Reversal

Fig4 OKX BTC SVI PC skew

Option smiles have maintained a strong skew towards calls, with the skew increasing slightly compared to last week.

ETH Options

Fig5 ETH SVI Vol term structure

ETH SVI ATM Implied Volatility

Fig6 OKX ETH SVI ATM volatility

Implied volatility for ETH 14-day tenor options has risen, mirroring the increase seen in BTC ahead of the US election

ETH 25-Delta Risk Reversal

Fig7 OKX ETH SVI PC skew

ETH’s skews have sharply risen and smiles are exhibiting call-skew across tenors.

Market Composite Volatility Surface

Fig8 okx snap BTC SMILES.moneyness
Fig9 okx snap ETH SMILES.moneyness

Listed Expiry Volatility Smiles

Fig10 BTC BTC-29NOV24 Listed Expiry
Fig11 ETH ETH-29NOV24 Listed Expiry

Constant Maturity Volatility Smiles

Fig12 BTC-SVI Constant Maturity
Fig13 ETH-SVI Constant Maturity

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Investors should conduct their own research and consult with a qualified financial advisor before making any investment decisions. The inclusion of any specific cryptocurrencies or trading strategies does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by OKX.

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