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We're the First to Fully Incorporate Uniswap Labs' Innovative API Into our DeFi Platform, Launching Our DEX's 'Snap' Trading Feature

Today, we're excited to announce that we are the first major industry player to fully integrate Uniswap Labs’ trading APIs into our offerings, providing OKX users with greater accessibility to DeFi.

This integration includes the launch of the 'Snap' trading mode feature on our DEX aggregator to aggregate Uniswap’s industry-leading liquidity. Our 'Snap' trading mode feature allows users to swap tokens on Ethereum quickly and intuitively without incurring any gas fees.

The 'Snap' feature operates directly on our DEX aggregator interface via Uniswap Lab's UniswapX protocol. UniswapX is a new permissionless, open-source protocol for trading across public and private automated market makers (AMMs) and other liquidity sources.

UniswapX is designed to offer better prices by providing users access to additional liquidity and gas-free token swaps. Additionally, it eliminates costs associated with failed transactions and prevents maximum extractable value (MEV).

UniswapX's unique design enhances the reliability and security of DeFi transactions, while optimizing prices. OKX's Web3 users can trade using the UniswapX protocol by selecting 'Snap' in the 'Trading Mode' section on the OKX DEX aggregator platform.

We believe this integration provides a comprehensive DeFi experience that enhances decentralized exchange transactions' transparency and security, offering a more intuitive trading experience for users.

Our Chief Innovation Officer Jason Lau said: "This strategic integration with Uniswap Labs improves the DeFi experience for our users and we're extremely pleased to be the first to offer UniswapX to a wider Web3 audience. UniswapX makes available an entirely new type of liquidity to OKX DEX aggregator users, and they will be able to benefit from even better pricing and execution. As UniswapX develops, we're eager to expand our support and add cross-chain support at a later date."

Uniswap Labs Chief Operating Officer Mary-Catherine Lader said: “Uniswap Labs' smart contract expertise has transformed blockchain-based markets. UniswapX brings benefits of on-chain trading to more users, and is key to growing that foundation. We’re excited to bring deeper liquidity and gas savings, as well as the future of cross-chain swaps, to our users.”

In addition to the Snap feature, our DEX aggregator also allows users to swap and bridge tokens via our 'Auto' trading mode feature. This feature uses our 'X Routing' smart aggregator algorithm, which identifies the best trading route across more than 400 DEXs, taking into account prices, slippage and network fees in multi-chain and cross-chain scenarios.

At the same time, thanks to the Ethereum upgrade EIP-6963 (Multi-Injected Provider Discovery), it will be easier for our users to find their wallet in the Uniswap interface. The change applies to all browser extension wallets, and makes the user experience much better for anyone who uses multiple wallets. Now users can connect their OKX Wallet directly with the Uniswap web interface by clicking 'Launch App' and then 'Connect Wallet.' After connecting with Uniswap, users can swap tokens, trade NFTs, buy crypto, earn through liquidity pools and build DApps using their OKX Wallet assets on Uniswap.

For more about UniswapX and its security benefits, visit

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